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Final Project 

For my final project, I wanted to explore the idea of inner demons, and the masks that people use to hide their imperfections. Gender roles (especially in the 1950s) forced women to comply with a strict set of societal norms. It was expected that women cook, clean, bear children, and serve their husbands. This art project dramatizes women rebelling against four different societal expectations: cooking, cleaning, taking care of their children, and pleasing their husbands. 


For the sketchbook project, I wanted to explore the idea of the evolution of the American Dream with this series of pieces. In the 1950s, the idea of the nuclear family and the white picket fence was the ideal American Dream or utopia but as time has progressed that dream is becoming more and more of a dystopia. The idealized American Dream from the 1950s is not only sexist towards women but completely racist and very exclusive towards all minorities. My three works show the progression of the “nuclear family” utopia and how it is now seen by many as a sort of dystopia concept.

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